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SRA Transparency Rules

The information which follows is published in compliance with our obligation under the SRA Transparency Rules. 

Any reference to a rule number is a reference to the SRA Transparency Rules.


The overall cost of the services which we provide to our clients is made up of our costs, VAT which is charged at standard rate - currently 20%, and disbursements - these being the expenses which we pay to others whilst carrying out instructions from our clients and which we then charge to our clients and recover in the overall bill.

Please note that all the costs charged are subject to VAT at standard rate – which is presently 20%.


All information contained in this publication is supplied in respect of the services provided by W Parry and Co which is the trading name of William Parry and Co Limited (Company Registration Number 5320707) SRA Authorisation Number 00417972 and Parry and Co solicitors which is a partnership SRA Authorisation Number 459931.

Both ‘W Parry and Co’ and ‘Parry and Co’ are regulated and authorised by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

The only legal service which Parry and Co provides is in relation to licensing work. 

1.Residential Conveyancing

- Rule 1.3 (a) (i) and (ii) The conveyancing of residential real property or real estate which comprises freehold or leasehold sales or purchases, or mortgage or re-mortgages. Costs Information.


It is not practicable to state the total cost of the service in relation to the above nor the average cost of the service.  Our base costs in conveyancing transactions of these types are set principally by reference to the value of the property being sold or purchased or the amount of the re-mortgage.  It is our practice not to make any additional charge, over and above the cost charged on the purchase transaction, where a mortgage is contemporaneous with the purchase.  Our minimum base cost on a sale is £600.00; our minimum base cost on a purchase is £650.00; and our minimum base cost on a re-mortgage or stand-alone mortgage (without any related purchase transaction) is £500.00.  The base costs may be higher than this dependent upon the value of the property or the value of the (re) mortgage. We have a scale of charges for our base costs – but every case is assessed on a case by case basis – applied by reference to the value of the transaction as follows: £200k-£300k - £785.00; £300k-£400k - £835.00;  £400k- £500k - £935.00;  Over £500K - £1085 min – in each and every case our costs are subject to VAT at standard rate which is presently 20%.


  • In addition to our base cost we also charge as an additional cost item £52.00 plus VAT at standard rate for telephone calls, postage, photocopying, stationery etc;  we also charge as a cost item £50.00 plus VAT at standard rate as a telegraphic transfer administration fee  -  if there is a telegraphic transfer of funds in the transaction  -  this being charged per telegraphic transfer. 


  • Therefore, as a minimum our costs on a sale transaction, inclusive of VAT at the prevailing rate (currently 20%) would be as follows –


Base costs                                                                        £685.00

VAT on the above                                                           £137.00

Costs item telephone calls, postage, photocopying

stationery etc                                                                    £52.00

VAT on the above                                                            £10.40

Costs item telegraphic transfer administration fee        £50.00

VAT on the above                                                            £10.00

​                                                                                       £944.40


  • In addition to the costs items above there will also be disbursements on a sale transaction.  The disbursements which we expect to incur on a sale transaction would generally be limited to the download cost of documents from the Land Registry which would not ordinarily exceed £20.00 and the cost of electronic identification verification which per person is £12.00 inclusive of VAT.

  • If it should become necessary as part of the process of selling the property for us to assist in arranging a defective title insurance policy then we make an additional charge of £125.00 plus VAT at standard rate as a cost item, in addition to the premium payable for the policy. 


  • Our costs at a minimum on a purchase transaction would be as follows –


Base costs                                                                     £735.00

VAT on the above                                                        £147.00

Costs item for telephone calls, postage,

photocopy, stationery etc                                              £52.00

VAT on the above                                                         £10.40

Telegraphic transfer administration fee cost item         £50.00

VAT on the above                                                         £10.00



  • In addition to the cost items set out above on a purchase transaction the system of Land Transaction Tax in Wales (LTT) and Stamp Duty Land Tax in England (SDLT) requires the purchaser to make a Land Transaction return. The purchaser is liable for payment of the tax.  The return must be made within 30 days of completion of the transaction and the tax must be paid at the same time as making the return.  There are automatic fixed penalties charged to a purchaser for failing to make a return in time and/or failing to pay the tax in time.  Provided that we receive the required funds from our client – and we include provision for payment of any LTT or SDLT in our completion statement to our client, then we will deal with the LTT or SDLT return for our purchaser client.  We make a separate cost charge of £60.00 plus VAT for dealing with this return.  Our retainer in connection with the LTT or SDLT return is confined to making the return.  In the event of any LTT or SDLT enquiry being raised by the Welsh Revenue Authority or HM Customs and Revenue then if we are instructed by our purchaser client in connection with such enquiry those instructions will be the subject of a separate retainer which means that our client will be charged separately and additionally for that work on a time spent basis.  We make arrangements for the Welsh Revenue Authority or HM Revenue and Customs to address all communication regarding LTT or SDLT to us as our purchaser client’s agent. 


  • The disbursements which are generally incurred on behalf of a purchaser client are in relation to the following –


Local Search

Water and Drainage Search

Coal Mining Search

Environmental Search

Commons Registration Search

Land Registry Search

Official Search

Land Registration fee

Land Transaction Tax/Stamp Duty Land Tax

Electronic verification check. 


  • We generally use Homeinfo as our search agents. Here is a link to their schedule of costs for providing us with search report; Their stated cost is the disbursement cost which we charge to our client. 


  • Details of Land Registry charges are available on the Land Registry website.


  • The rates and rules in relation to LTT and SDLT are available on the Welsh Government and H M Revenue and Customs websites. 


Basis of Costs Information – Rule 1.5 (b)

  • As indicated above our cost in conveyancing transactions are calculated principally by reference to the value of the property concerned and therefore usually by reference to a fixed fee as set out above.  If a transaction does not proceed to completion then this firm will charge costs on a time spent basis at £250.00 plus VAT at standard rate per hour for the work carried out, but the charge will not exceed the base cost which we will have confirmed in our Client Care letter to you  and any disbursements which by that time have been incurred on the clients behalf. 

  • The services included in the price referred to above in relation to a sale transaction would include taking instructions in relation to the sale, obtaining title information and checking title to the property and drafting the contract for sale, supplying information to the buyers solicitors, liaising with any estate agents, when the transaction is approaching the point at which contracts can be exchanged attending upon our client personally to discuss all of the paperwork involved in the transaction, agreeing a moving date with the buyers solicitors and then proceeding to exchange of contracts this being the point at which the selling client is committed to the transaction.  From that point on dealing with and answering any outstanding questions in relation to title, obtaining settlement figures from any lender, providing the client with and agreeing with the clients a completion statement showing the financial details attendant upon the transaction, receiving the sale proceeds, paying off any existing loans and ensuring that the required evidence of repayment is obtained, paying the estate agents fees if the sale is via an agent, and then accounting to our client with the net proceeds of sale. 


  • The services which are included in a purchase transaction in the price referred to above are taking instructions from the client in relation to the transaction; obtaining a payment on account from the client in respect of the cost of searches; submitting all appropriate searches and enquiries; checking that the seller has good title to the property which is to be purchased; checking the terms of any mortgage arrangements if applicable once the formal details relating to the mortgage are to hand.  When all of the necessary documentation comes to hand attending upon the purchaser personally to work through all of the paperwork involved in the transaction.  Providing a report on title.  Agreeing a completion date with the sellers’ solicitors and then proceeding to exchange contracts.  Making pre-completion legal arrangements and checks.  Obtaining mortgage money from the lender and any balance required from the client.  On the day of completion receiving the purchase monies, paying for the new property, and arranging for the keys to be released.  Once the purchase of the property has been completed registering ownership at the Land Registry after making any necessary LTT or SDLT return. 


  • The services which are included in a standalone mortgage transaction are taking instructions from the client in relation to the transaction, submitting all appropriate searches if so required and obtaining title details, checking that the client has good title to the property which is to be mortgaged, checking the terms of the mortgage arrangements, liaising as may be required with the lenders own appointed solicitors.  When all of the necessary documentation is to hand including the results of all searches a personal attendance upon our client, agreeing a completion date, making pre-completion legal arrangements and checks, obtaining the mortgage money from the lender and any balance required from the client and on the day of completion receiving the re-mortgage monies, discharging any existing mortgage and accounting to our client for the balance thereafter.  Once the mortgage transaction has been completed registering the mortgage at the Land Registry, discharging any existing mortgage and then reporting to the lender. 


  • Residential real property and real estate work as described above is conducted by David Iwan White solicitor who was admitted in 1998, David Alexander Seal admitted in 1996, Isabelle Margaret Parry admitted in 2015 and by William Thomas Parry solicitor who was admitted in 1986. Each of them are qualified solicitors with experience in this area.


  • Property sale and purchase transactions and stand-alone mortgages generally take something between 6 and 8 weeks from start to finish but they can be shorter or longer dependent upon the circumstances of each case. 


  • The range of costs in a residential conveyancing transaction is dependent upon whether it is a sale or purchase. Also, the property value set out above - and is therefore between a minimum in sale transactions of £685 plus VAT and disbursements, and £735 plus VAT and disbursements in a purchase transaction up to a maximum of £10,000 plus VAT and disbursements.


2. Probate

Rule 1.3 (b) - The collection and distribution of money, property and other assets belonging to a person following their death, where these are within the UK and the matters are not contested.


  • In probate and estate administration cases it is not possible in this publication to confirm the total cost of the service or the average cost or range of costs, because this depends upon the particular facts and circumstances of each case and each case is different.   Our costs in such cases are calculated by reference to the time spent on the matter and the value of the estate.  How much time will be spent on the case depends upon the circumstances of each case and differs from case-to-case dependent upon the range type and number of assets, the number of beneficiaries, and how much help beneficiaries or personal representatives may require from us.


  • The charging rate based on time is at the rate of £250.00 per hour plus VAT for work conducted by a solicitor who is a director in this firm.   


  • This relates to time spent attending upon our client or any others for the purpose of receiving instructions, gathering information, and advising and the time spent in actually winding up and administering the estate.  Telephone calls and letters written are charged at 10% of the hourly rate as are emails sent or received.  Incoming correspondence is charged at 5% of the hourly rate. 


  • In addition to the charge based on the time spent a charge is also made based on the value of the estate.  Where a solicitor in this firm is a sole or co-executor of a will a value-based charge of 1 ½% of the gross value of the estate (less the value of the residence) is charged; and a value-based charge of ¾ % of 1% of the value of the residence is charged.  Where a solicitor in this firm is not an executor of a will a value-based charge of 1% of the gross value of the estate (less the value of the residence) is charged and a value-based charge of ½ % of 1% of the value is the residence is charged. 


  • All the figures set out above are subject to VAT which is charged at standard rate - currently 20%. 


  • In addition, a separate cost charge is conducted in every case of £52.00 plus VAT in respect of postage, stationery, telephone calls, photocopying etc.  We also make a cost charge of £50.00 plus VAT at standard rate as a telegraphic transfer administration cost item in respect of each telegraphic transfer which we must make during the course of the case.  If there is a sale of a property involved in the administration of an estate and it is necessary to arrange defective title indemnity insurance, then the firm makes a charge of £125.00 plus VAT as a cost item in relation to effecting each policy over and above the premium payable on such a policy. 


  • In addition to the costs referred to above there are usually disbursements payable on probate cases.  This may include probate fees payable to the Probate Registry – up to date information as to the Governments probate fees is available on the Government’s website, oath fees (£6.00 per person per Oath and £2.00 per exhibit) and valuation fees, which will depend upon the nature of the asset being valued.   In addition, our clients will be charged £9.00 as a disbursement in respect of an electronic verification check to verify our client’s identity.  This is charged to everyone who is named as one of our clients. There may also a charge by way of a disbursement with the London Gazette – a “Creditor’s Notice” – currently £103.52, and local newspaper advert costs which vary based on area and publication, estimated £350.


  • The rates of charge which are set out above apply to all the work which will be conducted in the course of such work.  Routine letters written and emails sent or received, and telephone calls made or received are charged at 10% of the applicable hourly rate.  Routine incoming correspondence is charged at 5% of that rate.  Longer non routine items are timed and charged on a time spent basis.  This firm time costs and charges in 6-minute units. 


  • The probate work conducted by this firm is conducted by David Iwan White a solicitor who was admitted in 1998 and William Thomas Parry who was admitted in 1986. 


  • Timescales: The likely time scale for probate work varies from case to case and often it can take a year or more for a case to be concluded. The time which will be spent on the case will depend upon the nature of the case and the extent of the work which we are instructed to carry out as is indicated above.



  • Rule 1.5(f) – we will discuss with you the range of services which we are able to provide so that you can decide how much work you want us to carry out. In some cases, our instructions may be limited to simply advising. You may confine your instructions to us to obtaining a grant of representation. In a simple and straight forward case this may involve no more that 4-5 hours work, in obtaining full instructions and then processing the application for the grant of representation, and then giving that grant of representation to you so that you then deal with the actual administration of the estate and all things concerned with the same. In other cases, you may instruct us to obtain the grant and then deal with the complete administration of the estate including getting in all of the assets, paying all liabilities, placing statutory notices, preparing estate accounts and distributing the net estate.  How much this will cost will vary from case to case and will be charged by reference to the time spent. It may take anything from 10 to 40 hours or possibly more – in a range between £2,500 up to £10,000 or more plus VAT and disbursements.  


  • Key stages: The first key stage is submitting the application for the grant of representation. Full financial and background information must be obtained before the application can be made. This generally takes around 6 to 10 weeks from the date on instructions but can take longer dependent on the circumstances. The next stage is then waiting for the grant of representation to be issued. This tends to take at least 12-16 weeks but can take a lot longer. Once the grant of representation is obtained the estate assets can be collected and, in most cases, liquidated. The time which this will take will depend upon the nature of the assets. For example, it may involve selling a property which can take a long time. In most cases the estate monies are not distributed until at least 6 months after the date of the grant of representation. Prior to the distribution of the estate monies, estate accounts are prepared and then circulated to the executors and residual beneficiaries for their approval. This can take several weeks. Most of such cases are however concluded within about a year from the date on which we are instructed.


​3.Rule 1.3 (c) The preparation and submission of immigration applications excluding asylum applications. 

This firm does not conduct this type of work. 


4.Rule 1.3 (d) The provision of advice and representation at the First tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) in relation to appeals against Home Office visa or immigration decisions excluding asylum appeals

This firm does not conduct this type of work. 


5. Rule 1.3 (e) The provision of advice and representation at the Magistrates Court in relation to summary only road traffic offences dealt with at a single hearing.

This firms costs in relation to such work are £750.00 plus VAT.  This is a fixed fee.  The work would be carried by Mr David Seal who is a solicitor admitted in 1996.  This is not work in which it is likely that disbursements would be incurred.  The service that would be provided and included in the fixed fee would be a meeting with the client in order to take instructions and advise and then attending at the Magistrates Court in order to deal with the case on a single hearing basis. 


6. Employment

Costs information - Rule 1.3 (f) The provision of advice and representation to employees in relation to the bringing of claims before the Employment Tribunal against an employer for unfair dismissal or wrongful dismissal.


  • All such work carried out by this firm would be conducted by either Mr David Seal a solicitor admitted in 1996 or Mr William Thomas Parry a solicitor admitted in 1986.  The nature of this work is such that it is not possible to give the total cost of the services or the average cost or range of costs in this publication, as every case is different on its facts and the work required to be carried out in every case is determined by facts and matters particular to that case.  

Some cases may take something between ten and twenty hours work from start to conclusion, but other cases may take longer dependent upon the facts of and issues raised in the case.

  • In some cases, dependent upon the firm’s assessment of the merits of the case the firm is prepared to enter into a damages-based agreement with the client so that the client only has to pay if the case is successful out of the damages received by the client.  Every such arrangement is assessed on its individual merits.  The firm is content to meet with perspective clients on a no charge and no obligation basis in order for the firm to decide whether or not to accept instructions on such a basis. 


  • Information about disbursements – Rule 1.5 (d) The only disbursements which the firm would expect to incur in this type of case would be Tribunal Fees payable to the Government details of which can be found on the Governments website.   


Basis of costs information – Rule 1.5 (b) and (e) Where the firm accepts instructions which are not on a damages-based agreement then the basis of this firms costs would be a time costed basis based on the time spent in carrying out the clients instructions.  Work conducted by Mr Parry is charged at £250.00 per hour plus VAT at standard rate and work conducted by Mr Seal is charged at £250.00 per hour plus VAT at standard rate.  This is the rate that would be applied to time spent attending upon the client to receive instructions and advise, and the time spent attending upon any others in order to take witness statements, time spent travelling and waiting and time spent on advocacy.  Routine letters written and emails sent or received, and telephone calls made or received are charged at 10% of the applicable hourly rate.  Routine incoming correspondence is charged at 5% of that rate.  Longer non routine items are timed and charged on a time spent basis.  This firm time costs and charges in 6-minute units. For the avoidance of doubt we confirm that VAT is charged at standard rate – 20%- on all of our costs.

Services Included – the services included will be receiving instructions and advising you, assisting and drafting the relevant claim forms, if applicable dealing with disclosure and taking witness statements, travelling, and waiting and time spent on advocacy

Key stages and time scales. Rule 1.5 (f) – employee claims must be issued within three months of the effective date of dismissal – subject to any extension which may arise because of mediation. Once a claim is issued employers generally have 28 days within which to respond to the claim. Once the employer has responded the employment tribunal will then give directions as to the further management and eventual listing for hearing of the claim. The time from issuing the claim to the final hearing will depend upon the tribunals listing arrangements and will depend upon the tribunals case management directions. Generally, however claims are finalised within around 9 months from the date of issue of the claim.  


Rule 1.4 (a) Services in relation to businesses -  the provision of advice and representation to employers in relating to defending claims before the Employment Tribunal brought by an employee for unfair dismissal or wrongful dismissal


  • It is not possible in this publication to give an estimate for every case of the total cost of the service or a meaningful average cost or range of costs.  This is because the needs of each case varies from case to case dependent upon the facts and circumstances of each case. The basis of our charges in these cases is the time spent by the fee earner in the case.  David Seal a solicitor admitted in 1996 and William Thomas Parry a solicitor admitted in 1986 are the fee earners in this practice who conduct this type of work.  Time spent by David Seal is charged at £250.00 plus VAT at standard rate per hour. Time spent by William Parry is charged at £250.00 plus VAT at standard rate per hour.  This is the rate applied to the time spent attending upon clients or any others to receive information or instructions, traveling and waiting time and where applicable the time spent on advocacy.  Routine letters written, emails sent or received, and telephone calls sent or received are charged at 10% of the applicable hourly rate.  Routine incoming correspondence is charged at 5% of that rate.  Longer non routine items are timed and charged on a time spent basis.  This firm time costs and charges in 6-minute units. ​


  • We would not ordinarily expect to incur disbursements in carrying out instructions of this work type, other than any Tribunal Fees which if applicable may be payable to the Government, the details of which may be found on the Governments website.  Currently there are no fees payable.

Please see above as to key stages and timescales.  


​7. Debt recovery up to a value of £100,000.00. 

Rule 1.4 (b)

  • It is not possible in this publication to give an estimate for every case of the total cost of the service or a meaningful average cost or range of costs, as each case turns on its facts and the time which will be spent on each case will depend upon its facts.  The basis of our charges in these cases is the time spent by the fee earner in the case.  David Seal a solicitor admitted in 1996 and William Thomas Parry a solicitor admitted in 1986 are the fee earners in this practice who conduct this type of work.  Time spent by David Seal is charged at £250.00 plus VAT at standard rate per hour. Time spent by William Parry is charged at £250.00 plus VAT at standard rate per hour.  This is the rate applied to the time spent attending upon clients or any others to receive information or instructions, traveling and waiting time and where applicable the time spent on advocacy.  Routine letters written, emails sent or received, and telephone calls sent or received are charged at 10% of the applicable hourly rate.  Routine incoming correspondence is charged at 5% of that rate.  Longer non routine items are timed and charged on a time spent basis.  This firm time costs and charges in 6-minute units.


  • If a Claim is not contested, then in most cases from taking instructions sending a letter before action through to the preparation of the Claim and the issue of the Claim through to obtaining a judgment in default should take no longer than 3 hours.   


  • The only disbursement which we would expect to incur in a case of this type would the Governments Court issue fee, details of which can be found on the Governments website.

8. Licensing

The provision of advice and assistance and representation in relation to licensing applications for business premises 

Rule 1.4 (c) 

  • We conduct the full range of applications that can be made under the Licensing Act 2003, and we represent clients in review proceedings.

  • Our standard charge for making a new Premises Licence application or a full scale variation application is £3,000.00 plus VAT at standard rate – currently 20% - plus disbursements.  The work is conducted by Mr William Thomas Parry solicitor and a director in this firm who was admitted in 1986.  Information about disbursements - The likely disbursements on a new licence application or a full scale variation will be the application fee payable to the Local Authority -  full details of which are available from the relevant Local Authority’s websites  -  and the cost of advertising the application in the newspaper the cost of which depends upon the size of the publication and the newspaper concerned.  On average the newspaper advertisement costs anything between £300.00 and £500.00 plus VAT.    Services Included – Rule 1.5 (f) The services included in this standard charge are taking instructions in relation to the application, preparing the form of application and submission of the same, the service of notices on all relevant authorities, arranging the newspaper advertisement, conferring with our client during the public consultation period, where applicable negotiating terms to meet representations made by statutory bodies, and where required preparing for and attending at the licensing hearing.  There may be occasions where the nature of the application is such that the standard fee referred to above is increased or the solicitor’s costs are calculated and charged on a time spent basis.  In each case we also charge as a cost item £50.00 plus VAT at standard rate in respect of postage, photocopying, stationery etc. 

Key Stages: Rule 1.5 (f) from the date on which the application is lodged with and accepted by the local authority a public consultation process or period of 28 days commences. If no relevant representations are made about the application, then the license is granted within a few days of the end of the public consultation period. If relevant representations are made, then the local authority will arrange a hearing of the application before its licensing subcommittee. Such hearings are generally arranged to take place within one month of the end of the public consultation period, but on occasions this one-month period is sometimes exceeded.


  • Any other application under the Licensing Act 2003 is charged by reference to the time spent in dealing with the case.  The charging rate applied is £250.00 plus VAT at standard rate.  That relates to time spent attending upon our clients or any others for the purpose of receiving instructions, gathering information and advising and where applicable travelling and waiting and advocacy.  Telephone calls made or received and letters written are charged at 10% of the hourly rate as are emails sent or received.  Incoming correspondence is charged at 5% of the hourly rate. 


  • Where we are instructed in relation to review proceedings which involve a hearing before a Licensing Committee our standard charge is £3,00.00 plus VAT at standard rate.  We would not ordinarily expect to incur disbursements in carrying out the instructions of a licensee in review proceedings.


  • This firm also accepts instructions in relation to applications made under the Gambling Act 2005 in relation to betting premises.  Our standard charge for receiving instructions and making an application for a betting premises licence where there is no contested hearing is £1,500.00 plus VAT at standard rate and disbursements.  The disbursements are generally limited to the cost of the newspaper advertisement plus VAT at standard rate and the application fee payable to the Local Authority.  The Local Authority’s application fees can be obtained from the Local Authority website.  The cost of the newspaper advertisement depends upon the newspaper concerned and the length of the publication and is generally something between £300.00 and £500.00 plus VAT at standard rate.


  • Where a betting premises licence application requires a hearing before a Licensing Sub-Committee these firm charges are £2,500.00 plus VAT at standard rate for advocacy for attending at the hearing.  There are generally no disbursements charged in such cases. 


  • Other applications under the Gambling Act 2005 are charged on a time costed basis.  The work in conducted by Mr William Thomas Parry as referred to above and charged at his standard hourly rate and on the basis as set out above. 

9.Conditional fee or damages-based agreements.

Of the legal services described on this website the only cases in which we MAY agree to accept instructions on a Conditional fee or damages-based agreement would be on an employee claim before the Employment Tribunal against an employer for unfair dismissal or wrongful dismissal. In such cases we MAY agree to action such instructions dependent upon the merits of the individual case. If we accepted such instructions on such basis, then our client would become liable to pay to us up to a maximum of 25% of the damages recovered by way of our costs. Our costs in such cases would still be charged by reference to the time spent on the case but would be capped at a maximum of 25% of the damages received by our client. None of the other services referred to in this Website are conducted or offered on conditional fee or damages-based agreements. 


​10. Complaints Information


Rule 2.1 An authorised body or an individual practicing in the circumstances set out in Regulation 10.2 (b) (i) to (vii) of the SRA Authorisation of Individuals Regulations as published on its website details of its complaints handling procedure including details about how and when a complaint can be made to the Legal Ombudsman and to the SRA.


W PARRY AND COMPANY  - Complaints Handling Policy/Procedure


Our complaints policy


We are committed to providing a high-quality legal service to all our clients.  When something goes wrong, we need you to tell us about it.  This will help us to improve our standards.


If you have a complaint, please contact us with the details. We have eight weeks* to consider your complaint. If we have not resolved it within this time you may complain to the Legal Ombudsman.



What will happen next?


  1. We will send you a letter acknowledging receipt of your complaint within seven days of receiving it, enclosing a copy of this procedure.


  1. We will then investigate your complaint. This will normally involve passing your complaint to our client care partner, Mr David Seal, who will review your matter file and speak to the member of staff who acted for you.


  1. David Seal will then invite you to a meeting to discuss and hopefully resolve your complaint. He will do this within 14 days of sending you the acknowledgement letter.


  1. Within seven days of the meeting, David Seal will write to you to confirm what took place and any solutions he has agreed with you.


  1. If you do not want a meeting or it is not possible, David Seal will send you a detailed written reply to your complaint, including his suggestions for resolving the matter, within 28 days of sending you the acknowledgement letter. 


  1. At this stage, if you are still not satisfied, you should contact us again and we will arrange for Mr William Parry or someone unconnected with the matter at the firm to review the decision or we will ask our local Law Society or other local firm of solicitors to review your complaint.  That will ordinarily take place within 7 days.  


  1. We will write to you within 14 days of receiving your request for a review, confirming our final position on your complaint, and explaining our reasons.

What to do if we cannot resolve your complaint

The Legal Ombudsman can help you if we are unable to resolve your complaint ourselves. They will look at your complaint independently and it will not affect how we handle your case.

Before accepting a complaint for investigation, the Legal Ombudsman will check that you have tried to resolve your complaint with us first. If you have, then you must take your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman:

  • Within six months of receiving our final response to your complaint


  • No more than one year from the date of the act or omission being complained about; or

  • No more than one year from the date when you should reasonably have known that there was cause for complaint.

For more information about the Legal Ombudsman contact:

Call: 0300 555 0333 between 9.00 to 17.00.


Legal Ombudsman PO Box 6806, Wolverhampton, WV1 9WJ

What to do if you are unhappy with our behaviour

The Solicitors Regulation Authority can help if you are concerned about our behaviour. This could be for things like dishonesty, taking or losing your money or treating you unfairly because of your age, a disability or other characteristic.

Visit their website to see how you can raise your concerns with the Solicitors Regulation Authority.


Whilst the information set out in this publication is accurate at the date of its preparation, every client instruction accepted by W Parry & Co and/or Parry & Co will be subject to the terms and conditions supplied at the point that firm is instructed. Should those terms and conditions differ from the terms set out in this publication then the written terms and conditions supplied at the point of instruction will take precedence.

*should this timescale or any of the timescales provided within this policy change then we will advise you accordingly


W. Parry & Co is the trading name of William Parry & Co. Ltd (Registration No:5320707)

A list of the names of the directors is available for inspection at the registered office.

Regulated and Authorised by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority.


November 2023

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